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How to Make Short Video Ads with AI

how to make short video ads with ai

Ever wondered how to make killer short video ads without breaking a sweat? AI’s got your back! In this post, we’ll show you how to use AI to whip up awesome ads in no time. Let’s dive in!

Why AI for Video Ads

Creating video ads used to be a pain. Expensive, time-consuming, and sometimes a bit of a headache. AI changes the game, making it quick and easy. Plus, it ensures your ads look and sound great every time.

Steps to Create AI-Driven Video Ads

1. Gather Your Content

First, gather your product info. Got some great pics and descriptions? Perfect! Just grab the URLs from your e-commerce site.

2. Pick Your AI Tool

Next, choose a cool AI tool. Look for one that offers AI scriptwriting, text-to-speech, and avatars. These features will help you create engaging videos effortlessly.

3. Input Your Product Info

Got your tool? Awesome. Now, input your product info. Use the URL to video feature to let the AI do the heavy lifting. It’ll pull details from your product page and create a script and visuals.

4. Customize Your Video

Customize! Tweak the script, pick different voices, and choose an avatar that matches your brand. Make it yours.

5. Review and Edit

Before you hit publish, review your video. Make sure everything looks and sounds just right. A quick edit can make a big difference.

6. Export and Share

Happy with your video? Great! Export it and share it everywhere. Social media, your website, email campaigns – get it out there!

Meet Jogg AI: Your AI Ad Generator

Meet Jogg AI, your new best friend for creating video ads. Jogg AI is a web app that turns product URLs into amazing video ads. It combines AI avatars, text-to-speech, and an AI scriptwriter to make ad creation a breeze. Just input a product link from Amazon, eBay, Walmart, or Shopify, and boom – you’ve got a professional video ad.

Say goodbye to the hassle of making video ads. Try Jogg AI today and take your advertising to the next level!